Day Trip
Video Edit | Photography
There is an overwhelming beauty that surrounds us - take a closer look. We live in an environment full of breathtaking magic and wonder. Standing atop of a mountain with a piercing sun illuminating an endless sea of clouds dancing above a range, we can often look past our immediate environment, the reality we stand upon. Though we experience the power of earth, it is easy to forget the fragility of our landscape. In these moments take a step back and take a closer look - the subtle connections of our environment may surprise you.
EMIT: From Apathy to Action
At the rate we are going now, disaster will continue to strike. Colorado’s fires will be hotter. Water will be commodified. Generations of us will be victim to crushing pressures of ecological ruin. The world is approaching a deadly era of resource deficit and conflict.
Fortunately, the fight to keep our species alive isn’t as hopeless as it might seem. History shows very little that can’t be accomplished with the power of the people, and enormous change is more possible now than ever before. Our greatest strength is in the changing of minds and the presence of an active and well-informed public body to shift the course away from the end of intelligent life on Earth.